名师大咖面对面,有问有大收获多。广州华南师范大学(分数线,专业设置)的研究人员对这种顽强昆虫的基因组进行了测序,并把研究成果发表在了上周的《自然通讯》(Nature Communications)上。
They found that the groups of genes related to the immune system, sensory perception, detoxification, and growth and reproduction were all enlarged, helping to explain how cockroaches are able to live in so many different environments — and why it’s so hard to kill them.
“It’s a tiny pest, but has very strong vitality,” Sheng Li, the lead author of the paper and entomology professor, told the New York Times.
昆虫学家、论文的第一作者李胜在接受《纽约时报》(New York Times)采访时表示:“这种昆虫很小,却有很强的生命力。”
Since sequencing the first human genome, which took more than a decade and nearly $2.7 billion, medical researchers have found ways to make organisms resistant to disease. Also, CRISPR technology has moved the medical field toward cheap and and easy DNA editing.
Scientists are looking to species like the American cockroach to learn about how traits that make them incredible adapters and stubborn survivalists are encoded in their DNA. Compared to other insects, the American cockroach genome is larger than any known genome sequence except locusts.