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发布时间: 2016年04月08日




你有没有类似新概念三13课《It's Only Me》中那个可怜的查电表的大叔的经历?或者是被朋友捉弄,或者是。。。真的看到过不能解释的异象?虽然子曰过,君子不语怪、力、乱、神。但是有时候眼见不得不为实哦。这期,就带大家看看世界五大灵异照片:

This portrait of "The Brown Lady" ghost is arguably the most famous and well-regarded ghost photograph ever taken. The ghost is thought to be that of Lady Dorothy Townshend, wife of Charles Townshend, 2nd Viscount of Raynham, residents of Raynham Hall in Norfolk, England in the early 1700s. It was rumored that Dorothy, before her marriage to Charles, had been the mistress of Lord Wharton. Charles suspected Dorothy of infidelity. Although according to legal records she died and was buried in 1726, it was suspected that the funeral was a sham and that Charles had locked his wife away in a remote corner of the house until her death many years later.

这张照片被很多人认为是最出名的灵异照片。照片上的鬼影被认为是 Dorothy Townshend,一个18世纪的女人,她和她的丈夫Charles Townshend共同居住在雷纳姆馆。据传说,Dorothy Townshend是Lord Wharton的情妇,而且这件事被她的丈夫Charles Townshend知道了。于是Charles Townshend将她的妻子Dorothy Townshend囚禁在雷纳姆馆的一个偏远的地方直到她死去。据传说她死于1726年,但是很多人相信这是一个骗局,因为Charles Townshend希望人们认为她已经死了,这样他就可以继续折磨她。

This photograph of the Combermere Abbey library was taken in 1891. The figure of a man can faintly be seen sitting in the chair to the left. His head, collar and right arm on the armrest are clearly discernable. It is believed to be the ghost of Lord Combermere. At the time the photo was taken, Combermere's funeral was taking place some four miles away.

这张照片摄于1891年,照片中是Combermere修道院的图书馆。图中左边的椅子中隐约可见一个男人。他的头、衣领和扶手上的右臂清晰可辨。据说,它是Lord Combermere的鬼魂。因为在拍这张照片的时候,Combermere的葬礼正在4英里外的地方举行。

The photo is a group portrait of Goddard's squadron, which had served in World War I. In back of the airman positioned on the top row, fourth from the left, can clearly be seen the face of another man. It is said to be the face of an air mechanic who had been accidentally killed by an airplane propeller two days earlier. His funeral had taken place on the day this photograph was snapped.


Rev. Ralph Hardy, a retired clergyman from White Rock, British Columbia, took this now-famous photograph in 1966. He intended merely to photograph the elegant spiral staircase (known as the "Tulip Staircase") in the Queen's House section of the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich, England. Upon development, however, the photo revealed a shrouded figure climbing the stairs, seeming to hold the railing with both hands.

在1966年,Rev. Ralph Hardy参观了格林威治的国家博物馆。当参观女王的家的展馆的时候,他给美丽的楼梯拍了一张照片。洗出照片后,他极为惊讶。这些照片中的一张显示出了一个鬼影正在爬楼梯。当Rev. Ralph Hardy拍照片的时候并没有这个身影。专家们检查了这些照片,所有的专家都认为这些照片不是造假,也没有经过二次曝光。

本文关键字: 新概念 英语 文化




