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新东方在线 雅思(IELTS)培训


发布时间: 2016年03月31日

雅思口语话题模板:music - 雅思口语


Q:describe the role music play in our life.

A:I think music plays the important role of our life. It makes our life brighter. When we are happy, we want to listen to music for pleasure. When we are blue, we can be encouraged by listening to music. It helps us to forget the sad things. It makes us feel comfortable.
Q:what effects will take place u think to let children study an instrument?
A;I think some children like music and they are interested in learning instruments such as piano, violin, dulcimer, electronic organ and so on. If they have music talents, they can become musicians .But some children hate to learn music instruments. If they are forced to learn by parents, they will not be able to learn music and other subjects such as English, mathematics, Chinese.
Q:u like music or not?why?u think music play what role in ur life?
A: I like music so so.When I was young, I did not learn any musical instruments, I liked reading books listening to music after work.
Q:describe the music u like most and tell me why?
A:I like some Chinese classic music, and western symphony such as Spanish corrida music. I like rhythmical and strong music.







