
当前位置: 网校排名> 新东方在线> 卫生类-补全短文(3月12日)_职称英语网校
新东方在线 职称英语培训


发布时间: 2016年03月22日



Is all this concern a waste of human effort? ________. Are we losing our sense of what is reasonable and what is unreasonable?

A、Life seems to have grown too tough for black robins.

B、Is it any business of ours whether the black robin survives or dies out?

C、The organizers say that Little Mangere should then be restocked (重新准备) with the robin's food.

D、Energetic steps are being taken to preserve the black robin.

【正确答案】 B

【答案解析】 前后句分别为问句,选项B与其共同构成了三个排比的问句结构。所以,选项B是合适的选项。

阅读推荐:职称英语培训 学派网职称英语 新东方职称英语 环球网校职称英语 职称英语网校排名
