
当前位置: 网校排名> 新东方在线> 2009年雅思移民类考试书信类复习重点 - 雅思经验
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发布时间: 2016年03月18日

2009年雅思移民类考试书信类复习重点 - 雅思经验

移民类书信在雅思考试中属于相对稳定的考察项目,尽管每年的考试重点有所偏倚,但是受文体形式和话题内容的限制, 09 年的移民类书信写作将继续保持稳中求变的走势,综合近三年来的考试出题思路和命题范围,建议考生重点关注以下三方面内容。
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朋友之间交流和相互邀请类书信将继续是 09 年的备考重点。这类书信最贴近移民类考生出国以后的实际生活,而且具体话题内容可以涉及到生活的方方面面,因此一直以来都是雅思命题者的首选,某些话题更是每年的必考话题,如邀请朋友及家属前来旅游拜访并告知具体安排话题。中国雅思网R3cL}I%Vw s

:ro"_i[x"m0( 08 年考题)You have an English-speaking friend who lives in another country. His son has a short vacation before going to college. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter,中国雅思网S~ngOI

INT(W2F/Ji2{Y01. invite your friend's son to come to your city中国雅思网#V2qbx{&W:q5gpS*~
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2. introduce some interesting places to visit中国雅思网O&WFNilE%c
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3. say something about the weather in the city you live中国雅思网5D"?8`M4^

( 07 年考题)Your English-speaking friend will come to your country with his/her family. Your friend has asked you to arrange accommodation for him/her. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter,中国雅思网V&{x(OA([.veF

A^ g[ YGF${cn%`01. explain what type of accommodation you have arranged for him/her,
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2. say what you would like your friend to bring when he/she comes中国雅思网0{,J R&W.M0J)jF `

ZZ6|Y [s:A03. recommend some places for sightseeing

-k6lYX Z'~q0( 06 年考题)Your friend from an English-speaking country will come to your city for a holiday. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter,中国雅思网|9M*Pg9|)K)Cr

u6Q'y}2d6b$H,?01. invite him to stay with you
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h ~2x1}6UW)B8G02. introduce some places to visit中国雅思网(K#d9bHpND;D ~

vj-d^9B8l8Y/OQ `03. give him some advice中国雅思网\o-axZl R'j%z

0Tb&d2Zd ee0反映投诉问题以及提出建议类书信 09 年将再次回归。这类书信的难点在于对投诉等相关内容的具体描述能否详细、合理、准确。在此举一例予以说明。中国雅思网CNd2I sN3R2]
You have recently made a purchase from a department store in another town. However, when you arrived home, you found a fault with it. Write a letter to the manager of the store. In your letter,中国雅思网4tH/a eo%~;RLi&g

/M-g0l,ki E-O01. say what product you have bought.中国雅思网CoXWy

0r;^0c'I5q*Ky02. explain what the problem is.
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3. say what you would like to be done about it.
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受全球经济局势变化的影响,求职申请类书信极有可能成为 09 年的“黑马”。这类书信在过去几年的考试中,表现平平,每年都有考到,但是出现频率较低,预计这种既实用又应景的书信在 09 年必然会受到青睐。
/W`){1A6aQ5y k$H0You have seen a job advertised in your local newspaper. Write a letter to the personnel manager. In your letter,中国雅思网5C0[5jd bK G
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1. introduce yourself
/u(K ?'vg-{7[:T$i02. outline your experiences and qualifications
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3. say why you would like the job
YY"cX_8Ml1^0You are looking for a part-time job. Write a letter to an employment agency. In your letter, 1. introduce yourself中国雅思网 a6L2uW5g|O/nE

UT t~ A-BB{}6~02. explain what sort of job you would like中国雅思网aKi lqr

v{3H4oH4[4?6^b03. say what experience and skills you have
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当然,在考生备考 09 年雅思移民类书信写作的时候,在重点准备上述内容的同时,建议将询问信息、情况说明等书信题材进行分类整理,做到“广泛撒网,重点突破”,并且做好相关词汇句型的积累工作,再加上专业有效的应试技巧点拨,拿到移民类书信写作的高分不再是神话。
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