发布时间: 2017年06月15日
四级阅读说难是难,长篇大论,辣么多题目做不做得完是个问题;但是其实说难也不难,看的就是你是否养成了一定的阅读习惯。为了让大家养成阅读的习惯, 四六级班班小麦特地联系小编为童鞋们量身订做了BBC阅读节目。每天看BBC新闻回答问题,今天你读了吗?
US President Obama has jokingly admitted that he does not dye his hair, unlike other world leaders.
The 54-year-old president was responding to a Cambodian student who asked him for wise advice.
Mr Obama entered office in 2009 with dark black hair, however in recent years it has turned markedly more grey.
The colour of a president's hair has been controversial at times, with some leaders keeping secret the fact that they dyed their hair.
"The first thing I want from young people is to stop calling me old," the president told the student.
"I don't dye my hair and a lot of world leaders do," he said. "I won't say who. But their barbers know, their hairdressers".
President Ronald Reagan, for instance, never admitted to dying his jet-black hair, and his barber never spilled the beans, either.
Gerhard Schroeder, the former German chancellor, once sued a news agency for claiming that he hued his hair.
2:翻译The colour of a president's hair has been controversial at times, with some leaders keeping secret the fact that they dyed their hair.
3:根据上下文猜测spilled the beans的意思.
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