
当前位置: 网校排名> 新东方在线> 第74期:在你人们开车速度会太快吗?_初级英语口语
新东方在线 英语口语培训


发布时间: 2016年09月01日


Answer the following questions about the video.

1) Why do people break the speed limit?
a) They' e late
b) Laws aren' enforced

2) Policemen don' usually _____.
a) stop people for speeding
b) give people tickets

3) Why are there a lot of accidents?
a) The roads are bad
b) People drive fast
Topic:Do people drive fast in your country?
Hello. My name is Felipe from Colombia. The question is do people drive fast in your country? Well, the answer is yes. In my country, I think people drive really fast and that's I think because people usually step over the rules and law because, you know, there's a speed limit everywhere in any country. But I think in my country the laws, maybe the laws are a little bit weak. The policemen, they don't really control that much that people don't, you know, go over the, exceed the speed limit so I think people feel like free to, you know, to drive any faster they want to. Usually people are driving, you know, so fast, and because of that there are many accidents and so on, you know. So I think, yes, people drive really fast in my country.

b a b

阅读推荐:英语口语培训 电话英语培训 外教一对一 新东方在线英语口语 新东方英语口语
