发布时间: 2016年08月12日
exaggerate v.夸张
[例]SS often employs exaggerating facial expressionsto make himself understood or create funny effects.思思大王经常用夸张的面部表情来让别人听懂或者制造“笑”果。
excit v.使兴奋,激动;激起,激发
[变]excited a.激动的;兴奋的 exciting a.令人激动的 excitement n.激动;兴奋
[例]An outstanding leader should have the ability to excite the fighting will in his team.一个卓越的领导应该具有能够激起团队斗志的能力。
execute vt.执行;处死
[变]executive a.行政的:执行力强的 n.执行者;领导(CEO即Chief Executive Officer首席执行官)
[例]He is an executive CEO who can execute every valuable idea from his subordinates andhimself.他是一个有执行力的CEO,总是能把下属提出的以及自己的宝贵的想法执行起来。
exist vi.存在
[变]existence n.存在;存在的东西
[例]How can I exist without you? 没有你我无法独活!
expert n.专家 a.专业的