
当前位置: 网校排名> 新东方在线> 2016年新托福写作考试范文:密友和普通朋友的区别
新东方在线 托福(Toefl)培训


发布时间: 2016年08月12日


新东方托福网络课程免费试听 2016年新托福写作考试范文提供给各位考生备考,希望对大家有所帮助。

Some people prefer to spend time with one ortwo close friends. Others choose to spend timewith a large number of friends. Compare theadvantage of each choice. Which of these twoways of spending time do you prefer? Usespecific reasons to support your answer.

We all need to have friends, and I think the morefriends we have the better. Friendship helps us learnhow to trust others, what to expect from others,and how to profit from experiences. I want to have alot of friends around me so I can learn more about myself from different people.

I want to have people around me that I trust and that I can depend on. We all need friends,both in times of trouble and in times of happiness. If I only have a few friends, it is possible thatthey might not be available if I need them. If I have a lot of friends, it is more likely that theywill be able to share my troubles or my good fortune.

I want to have people around me that surprise me. If I have just one or two friends, I knowwhat to expect from them. I know how they will react. If I have a lot of friends around me, I willalways be surprised. Each will have a different way of reacting to a situation. Observing thisreaction and responding to it will teach me how to deal with strangers whom I might meet.

I want to have people around me that can teach me something about life. If I only have a coupleof friends, I will know everything about them very quickly. If I have hundreds of friends, thinkwhat I will learn. Each day they'll teach me something new and show me a new way of thinkingabout something.

I have a lot to learn in life, so I want as many people as possible to help me. I want a lot offriends to show me how to have a good time. I'll do the same for them.




