
当前位置: 网校排名> 新东方在线> 第157期:你想帮助的慈善事业是什么?_初级英语口语
新东方在线 英语口语培训


发布时间: 2016年08月03日



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) She says she wants to help people with ______ .

a) education

b) health care

2) She says being _____ can solve problems.

a) wise

b) prepared

3) She says that many of us are not ______ .

a) privileged

b) responsible


Topic:What charity would you like to help?

Hi, everyone, this is Buddhini for and our topic today is what charity would you like to help. I have always wanted to help people who love to study but they are unable to due to so many problems. I believe that education is a fundamental right and it's at most a responsibility to help people who love to learn, who love to study, but who don't have the means to do it, because studies and learning, let's say, call it education, helps people to get to know about many things and education helps people to be wise and being wise can solve many problems in our society, so it's education that we need to pay attention to and ... so that many of us who are not privileged to go to school and have their basic education, we need to help them out. I don't mean to say education is the only thing that's important in charity but if we can help people out who love to study I think it will be something very wonderful and something we should do. What do you think? Do you help any charity? And what kind of charity would you like to help?


a a a

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