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新东方在线 英语四级培训



发布时间: 2016年07月08日



很多女性在离婚后才猛然发现,自己已经邋遢了好一段时间,和同一个男人过久的生活、天天为小孩服务的状态让她失去了打扮的热情,所以决定从头到尾进行一次divorce makeover(离婚变装),改变自己重新出发。

Divorce makeover is the reinvention of a recently divorced woman from hairstyle, costumes to everything around her.


Recent survey says a woman's 'divorce makeover' costs £13,000. But Lucy Cavendish spent every penny of her savings on her new look. She spent £150 at hairdressers every six weeks and bought £500 dresses. Lucy also had her teeth done for £500 and enrolled on a course for £6,000. She said: 'Money might not heal a broken heart, but it sure does help!'

最近一项研究显示,女性的离婚后的变装会花掉13000英镑。但露西?卡文迪什把她存款中的每一分钱都拿来改头换面。她每六个星期就要在头发上花掉150 镑,在置装上花掉500镑。为了她的牙齿她又花了500镑,上课花掉了6000镑。她说:“钱也许不能治愈我的心灵创伤,但起码它起到了一定的作用。”


Many women didn’t realize their floppy appearance after a heartbroken marriage. Lucy wrote, “Emerging from the wreckage of this relationship, I took a long, hard look in the mirror and realized that the person I was had to go. This person had long, limp hair that didn’t appear to be cut in any recognizable style. She had a lumpy body that hadn’t properly moved in years and dressed like a dowdy farmer’s wife. This was, of course, an external expression of my inner state.”


Lucy has no regrets about spending £65,000 on her post-divorce makeover. 'My reinvention is pretty much over, and it doesn’t really matter to me if I meet someone or not. I am happier and more confident and, in time, the romance will come', according to her.





