
当前位置: 网校排名> 新东方在线> 第222期:你养过什么特别的宠物吗?_初级英语口语
新东方在线 英语口语培训


发布时间: 2016年06月16日



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) What kind of pet did he have?

a) Monkey

b) Hamster

2) What happened one day?

a) It bit him.

b) It escaped.

3) What did he make for it?

a) A special cage

b) Matching clothes


Topic:Have you ever had a special pet?

Hello, my name is Mike. I'm from Canada and this is for The question is ... Have I ever had a special pet? When I was about eight years old, my parents got me a hamster for my birthday. And I really loved this hamster, and I even worked a small part-time job to save up money for an extra big cage with three floors. And you know, one floor had the running wheel. The next floor was the food and I loved my hamster, and one day I left the top of the cage open and he learned how to climb up to the top and monkey bar over to the hole and he escaped. It took me two days to find him, but I found him and it was good I found him in the end.


b b a

阅读推荐:英语口语培训 电话英语培训 外教一对一 新东方在线英语口语 新东方英语口语
