
当前位置: 网校排名> 新东方在线> 第223期:你会担心环境问题吗?_初级英语口语
新东方在线 英语口语培训


发布时间: 2016年06月15日



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) Did Crystal care about the environment before?

a) Yes, she did.

b) No, she didn't.

2) Why does Crystal care about the environment now?

a) Because of the global warming.

b) Because of the classes she took in her university.

3) How about George? Does he care?

a) Yes, he does.

b) No, he doesn't.


Topic:Are you worried about the environment?

George: Hello I'm George from Hawaii.

Crystal: And I'm Crystal from America.

George: And today's question is Do you worry about the environment? So Crystal, do you worry about the environment?

Crystal: Of course.

George: Don't lie to me.

Crystal:, I did not care about the environment.

George: So what changed?

Crystal: Well, I actually went to university and we get to learn about what, how the world is in danger right now and how big this problem is today and I carry my own eco-bag to shopping and getting groceries.

George: That's wonderful, that's wonderful.

Crystal: Do you?

George: love them plastic bags. It makes such great noise when know Shashashasha…OK…never mind.

Crystal: No...You have to worry about the environment.

George: I know, I know, comes out in a lot of classes, yeah? Environment...So may be by the end of graduation, my college will change my mind. Until then...

Crystal: Until then, he does not care about the environment.


b b b

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