
当前位置: 网校排名> 新东方在线> 第308期:美语流行的“说”的表达方式_初级英语口语
新东方在线 英语口语培训


发布时间: 2016年06月07日


我们今天一起来看看"to say" 在美语口语里有什么表达方式。

I was like 我说

He was like 他说

She was like 她说

They were like 他们说

Hey 白洁 I heard you got in a fight with your roomie yesterday. What happened? 白洁,我听说你昨天和你舍友吵架了。发生了什么呀?So I was just watching TV. And she came back and she was like "You are in my spot". 我在沙发上看电视,她回来之后说,“你坐了我的位子”。So I was like "Since when this is your spot?" 我说,“这儿什么时候成了你的位子了?” And then she was like "Since now!" 她说,“从现在开始!”

I went 我说

He went 他说

She went 她说

Then went 他们说

What? That makes no sense! 什么?完全是无理取闹!I know! That's what I told her! And she went "Your spot is at the kitchen table Go shoot your shows there" 对啊!我就是这么跟她说的!结果她说,“你的位子在餐桌那边,去那儿拍你的节目去吧”。

I was all 我说

He was all 他说

She was all 她说

They were all 他们说

Then I started to worry, so I was all "Is everything all right?" 然后我就开始担心了,我问她,“你还好吧?” But then she was all "Get out of my spot and leave me alone" 但是她只是说,“别坐我的位子!别理我!” Was she ok? 她没事吧?Yeah. She apologized to me today, I think she just had a really bad day yesterday. 没事,她今天向我道歉了,她昨天好像是很不顺。

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