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新东方在线 英语口语培训


发布时间: 2016年05月11日


新东方英语900句 Lesson 3:Introduction

Core Sentences
1. Good evening, Ladies and Gentalman. Welcome to Dennis' birthday party, nice having you here. Hope you have a good time.
2. Mrs. Endson, Please allow me to introduce Mr. Smith, our manager.
3. How do you do, it is pleasure to meet you.
4. The pleasure is mine, Mr. Smith.
5. Tony, I want you to meet a old friend of mine. Here is Davide, White.Davide, Tony, Park.
6. Let me introduce myself. I'm Susan Macdonald.
7. Excuse me, but have we met somewhere before?
8. Sorry, I don't think we have.
9. Hi, is you again. Is this a or a what?
10. You are Susan, what a pleasent surprice!
11. I never thought I will see you here.
12. I'm afraid I have to leave now.
13. Nice talking with you.

Dialog Exercises

Number one In a Bar.

A. Hey Annie, what's up?
B. Nothing, and you?
A. Not much, just coming to relax a bit after school. Annie, I'd like you to meet my old friend, Paul. Paul,this is Annie.
B. Paul, nice to meet you here.
C. An.. I'm Paul, Wilcox. Actually, I.. I danced to you Ben's Birday Party.
B. Is that you? I didn't think I can meet you here. Small world.
C. You too, Oh it's already nine. I have to go now. So nice meeting you tonight.
C. Bye, Annie.
B. Bye, see you.

Nuber Two At the airport.

A. Hi, are you ?
B. Yes, and you are?
A. Hello, Pill, welcome come to Los Angeles. I'm Joanna, .
B. Hello, Mrs. Betis. It is nice to meet you.
A. Just call me Joanna. May I help with you suitcase?
B. No, thank you. It is ok.
They walk to the car.
A. , this is my husband, Robert. Robert, this is .
C. Nice to meet you, Phill.
B. Hello, Mr. Beits.
C. Please call me Robert. Let me get your baggage into the car, Pill.
B. Thank you, Robert.

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