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新东方在线 英语口语培训


发布时间: 2016年05月10日


新东方英语900句 Lesson 18:Continuous Activities

Core Sentences
1. What are you doing?
2. Judy is playing the piano in her room now.
3. I ring in the door bell, but nobody answered. Jim is too in his computer game to hear.
4. My brother is preparing for his final exam.
5. Mr. copper is brushing his French for the France trip.
6. I was sleeping this morning when the telephone rang.
7. Your mother was calling to ask if you are at the Sunday School.
8. She is always making a .
9. I'm wondering if you can speak English.
10. What were you doing the whole morning?
11. AF flight number 123 is checking in at the moment, please hurry up.
12. I have been learning English for six years, and nowaday I'm working hard to improve my spoken English.
13. You are driving me mad.

Dialog Exercises
Number One, Football Fan
A. What' are you doing?
B. I'm packing.
A. Why are you packing?
B. I'm leaving.
A. Why are you leaving?
B. When the world cup is on, you are watching TV everyday, and you never talk to me.
A. Don't make a .
B. I'm take the train tomorrow morning, I will not be back.
A. You are driving me crazy.

Number Two, On the Phone.
A. Hi, this is Mark speaking. Is that Lewis?
B. Oh, is you. Have you got a watch to see the time. It's midnight.
A. I am sorry, Lewis. But I have to ask for your help.
B. What's up?
A. I roommate Jack is going for his singing contest next week. His so observed that he watches the vedio tapes everyday till two or three in the morning. He gets up and start singing again early in the morning. Can you hear? He is singing right now. He has been singing the same song for the whole evening.
B. I understand, so you can't bare.
A. Shall I sleep over to your place tonight? I'm going bananas.
B. Ok, Ok. Come over and take care on your way.

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