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新东方在线 雅思(IELTS)培训


发布时间: 2016年05月03日

雅思口语:Can you ride a bike? - 雅思口语


Can you ride a bike?
Sure. I learnt bicycling when I was only 7 years old before entering theprimary school. My coach was nobody but my father who was proved to be abrilliant trainer. As far as I remembered, at the very beginning, I fell fromthe bike for numerous times and made the left knee hurt. However, my fatherencouraged me to overcome obstacles/difficulties. Soon I found I could handlethe bike smoothly and effortlessly.
Sure. I learnt bicycling when I was only 7years old before entering the primary school. My coach was nobody but my fatherwho was proved to be a brilliant trainer. Now I ride the bike for schoolcommuting. Bicycling as an exercise is less demanding in space and time butextremely helpful in increasing muscle strength and flexibility. While as atransportation, it’s economical and eco-friendly.
The benefits of bike riding
Bike riding can offer lots of benefits forbody health
It can increase the …..
cardiovascular fitness
muscle strength and heart health
balance and flexibility
endurance and stamina
ittakes a lot of stamina to run a marathon
a less stressful exercise, especially goodfor protection of joints



