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新东方在线 雅思(IELTS)培训


发布时间: 2016年04月21日

雅思口语素材之英语俚语(bust up) - 雅思口语


English Slang collection:

bust up

[释] beat up;

[例] Jimmy was busted up by the bouncers when he got drunk and started messing around.;

busy work

[释] work which keeps people busy, but is not necessary at all;

[例] We learnt nothing in today's class but kept doing busy work.

butt crack of dawn

[释] early morning;

[例] I gotta get up at the butt-crack of dawn to pick up Joe at the airport.;

butt dial

[释] to accidentally call sb on a cellphone in one's pocket;[例] He knew our plan for his B-day because my cell butt dial him.

butter face

[释] a woman with an attractive body, but no good looking face;

[例] My blind date last night was a total butter face.;

butterfly effect

[释] the scientific theory that a single occurrence, can change the course of the universe forever.



