
当前位置: 网校排名> 环球网校> 第225期:你曾经收留过流浪狗吗?_初级英语口语
环球网校 翻译资格培训




发布时间: 2016年06月15日



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) Kadi says she _____ cold weather.

a) is fine with

b) really dislikes

2) In winter, the clothes are _______ .

a) hard to move in

b) more fashionable

3) She says _____ is fun in winter.

a) only skiing

b) nothing


Topic:Would you ever adopt a dog off the street?

Hello, this is Stella from Kenya for Welcome. Our question today is ... Would you adopt a dog from the street? My answer to it is No! I would never adopt a dog from the streets. Now, why wouldn't I adopt a helpless dog from the street? There are three main reasons. The first one is: I'm quite a a superstitious person and I come from a superstitious background, so we've had stories that sometimes someone can be able to change into a dog, I mean through evil spirits and such things, so you never know if you're adopting a dog or a person. You could adopt it and then it comes and turns into a person in your house. The second reason is, the dog could as well turn back on you. I mean, you bring it to your house. You don't know where it's from, what kind of diseases it brings, and every thing. I mean, you're going to lose. You're going to be so much trouble, and the third reason the most important reason, I don't think I could handle such kind of responsibility, feeding the dog every day, taking care of it, taking it to the vet. I mean, it's just to costly to me. I would never adopt a dog from the street. No way, Never. Uh-uh. I wouldn't do that.


b a b

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