
当前位置: 网校排名> 环球网校> 第306期:关于实习的美语说法_初级英语口语
环球网校 翻译资格培训




发布时间: 2016年06月13日



internship 实习岗位,实习期

intern 实习生

Internship = 实习岗位 the position held by an intern

internship = 实习期 the period of time when someone is an intern


Newbie 新人

Take it one step at a time 循序渐进

Woohoo!!! I'm interning at Bank of China this summer!!! Woohoo!!! 我要去中国银行做暑期实习啦!!

Congratulations! Did you write yourself a plan? 恭喜啊!你给自己做了计划吗?

Well... I mean... I'm just a newbie, I haven't really given that much thought, I guess I'll just roll with it. Ya know? Take it one step at a time! 嗯...我只是个新人,我还没想那么多,我就会随机行事,循序渐进。Well, I am sure you will learn a lot from this internship! Good luck! 你肯定会从实习中学到很多!祝你好运!

Run errands 跑腿

Lone time no see! How is your internship? what are you doing there? 好久不见了,你实习的怎样啊,都做了些什么? Oh well I don't know... Mostly I just run errands for my bosses. 额...我不知道...我大多数时间都只能帮我的老板跑腿。And I don't really have access to, like the professional stuff. 根本接触不到专业的东西。

Coffee runs 是指新人帮别人买咖啡

I'm going on a coffee run. Anybody want anything? Oh... lemme see.. Cappuccino for Jeremy, Latte for Michelle and double espresso for Julia Anybody else? 我去买咖啡,你们要什么?慢着,Jeremy要卡布其诺,Michelle 要拿铁,Julia要双份浓缩,还有什么?Wow! Good job! You are already getting used to working here! 哇,太牛了!看来你已经慢慢习惯在这儿工作了。

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